Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Today in Tangles...

..I present to you, KOHN.  This is a fun tangle that I've been drawing since childhood.  I can't remember how / when it first showed up in my artwork or why I devised it, but something about it feels right to me and so it's hung in there long after other "favourites" have been worked out, done over or abandoned outright.  I've used it here and here and here...*G* Can you tell I like it a LOT?  I hope you do, too!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I can visualize that in a row of diamonds. Scroll rack :D Maybe the Library of Alexandria?

  2. Very nice - and simple. A great combination! Thanks for posting it.

  3. Cool design. It reminds me of the beginnings of a rose.

  4. I am really liking your designs. Thank you for sharing them.

  5. If I ever find time to tangle again I will try this one.
    I miss doing the Diva challenges. I'll be back as soon as my days slow down a bit

  6. Very nice! Kind of a cross between a scroll and something floral-y! Can't wait to try it.


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