Friday, 15 April 2011

Happy Friday !

Happy Friday, everyone!  In celebration of the end of the work week and anticipation of the weekend, I've decided to start rolling out the tangles my fellow CZT, Ruth Howell, and I have been devising.  Since it's proven so popular with a number of artists (seen here, for example) I've decided the first one should be ORGANZA, designed by Ruth.  It's a pretty and fun tangle that is also delicate and variable - somewhat like Ruth, in fact! *G*
You can also see it used as a tangleation here, and here and here and here.  I think I'll stART a Tangles page to collect the directions together in one central location for ease of reference.

Happy Friday!


  1. I like this one... makes a good border! Thanks for posting. :)

  2. Definitely adding this one to my pattern cards. Love it!

  3. I've used this and it's a fun and easy pattern. Always looks good in any piece!

  4. ORGANZA is lovely, thanks for sharing!! Happy Happy Happy!!

  5. I just draw Organza little square for the Mosaic! Soon it will be online! Great Job! Remember me Lacy!

  6. YES! One page for directions....what luxury!


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