
Friday 11 February 2011

You Make My Heart Sing!

What a wonderful world I have fallen into – the blogosphere is full of such considerate, kind people.  Today I arrived home from work to find an envelope from Italy (!) containing the most beautiful, and MY VERY FIRST EVER, ATC from Timeless Rituals / Black Pumpkin!  She even put in a cute piece of cardstock unlike anything I’ve seen around here – this should be fun for collaging!  Check it out, but then keep reading - it keeps on looking up!

My day was exceptional from this alone, but wait!  There’s more! *G*

When I started this blog a scant six weeks ago I really didn’t expect anyone to notice.  My artwork isn’t exceptional in any way and certainly not the calibre of much that I’ve enjoyed browsing on the 'net, but I was challenged to “put my art out there” and so I did.  Well, guess what?  You noticed!  I’m blown away that I have ANY followers, let alone this number!  Wow!  Thanks, everyone!

Still more!  The fabulously talented Margaret Bremner, CZT, noticed a tangle on one of my posts and not only tried it out but credited both me for the blog image and my buddy, Ruth Howell, the designer of this particular pattern!  She gave us a shout-out and everything!

Still MORE!  The ever-fabulous and talented Kit, CZT, liked one of my posts enough that she gave me a shout-out on a round-up she did yesterday, with a mention in the same post as Laura Harms, Melissa, Catherine Langsdorf and Carole Ohl!  Oh, my goodness - I am humbled!

And still MORE!  I was contacted by an artist asking to link a post on my blog that she credits with inspiring one of her exquisite ceramic pendant designs.  She’ll be posting on Monday and I’ll cross-link so you, my friends, can also enjoy her work (which, by the way, is gorgeous!).

Another online friend has also promised me a lovely ATC that I’ll share when it arrives… what a fabulous bunch of artists I get to enjoy online!  Your generosity of spirit, genuinely constructive criticism and utter lack of malice has impressed me greatly.  I am surprised in a positive fashion each and every time I log on – someone has taken the time out of their day to remark on my art, or another person has posted a piece of art they want to share… life is good!

I'm feeling so much positive energy just now and basking in the deliciousness of it all... I just had to put it to good use so I sat down and drew a "thank you" to everyone for your encouragement, and for managing to stick with it and make it to end of this marathon post.  Thank you, and I appreciate you!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with uplifting possibilities.

Happy Friday!


  1. Truly a wonderful day and you deserve it. Well done! Your work is inspiring.

  2. I can really relate to what you are saying! This is such a wonderful, kind, and talented group of people to share art with. Your work is really beautiful and inspiring! Life is good!

  3. Zentanglers are a marvelous community, for sure. And you add so much to it. You have been unfailingly encouraging. I'm so glad we live in the age of the internet so we can share our art with one another.

    Speaking of art, I love your plump heart. It's lovely.

  4. Dear, I'm happy you received my ATC.
    I've started and closed a few blogs during the last 15 years. This is the one whic lasted for the longest time.
    I just wanted to share my drawings and didn't expect to find so many friends. And I also found inspiration and lots of wnderful artists.
    I'm very proud of being one of your blog friend. Keep it up, dear!!!

  5. What a truly beautiful stHEART! I love the title of this post, and I adore your heart! It's packed so full of love (and the rounded shading is fantastic). Your title reminded me of this:

    If you follow, follow the voice in your heart
    Always know that's how to find who you are
    So hold on, never let go of your dreams
    You'll see the magic, believing is where it begins
    Life is a beautiful thing
    Let your heart sing
    [Katharine McPhee (Tinker Bell)]

    Hugs to your heart from mine,
    Kit (almost-but-not-quite-yet-hopefully-soon-CZT [grin])

  6. Beautiful Heart. I love the depth. Yes, I'm CZTing in Feb. See you there?


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