
Friday 4 February 2011

Friday Affirmation

Another crummy day-job day (I know, "same old, same old"... *G*) with four unpaid hours of overtime.  Arriving home at bedtime, tired and hungry, I ate and turned to my computer where I found an email from an online friend.  Susan ( was continuing a conversation about the necessity to find time to be creative and how a friend of hers could benefit from Zentangle.  Zentangling is pretty much the perfect creative pursuit for the harried lives we sometimes lead.  With very basic and minimal supplies, a few moments of stillness - waiting in line, sipping a coffee, riding public transit - is really all that is needed to nourish our creative souls.  Every act of creation I commit is my connection to the greater universe, a touch of the divine in my mundane life, an opportunity to rejoice in possibility.  I really appreciated the reminder from Susan, and so I got out my Zentangle journal and tangled away.  While I don't think this is necessarily my best work, I now feel content, peaceful and satisfied.  NOT how I returned home today!  In fact, I may just fall right asleep after I sign off! *G*  So here is my very simple, very quick, very helpful (to me!) little tangle du jour:
Happy Friday!


  1. Yes, that´s it! You don´t have to create a masterpiece everyday. But you should keep the pen dancing… Relax – breathe – smile. Every day.
    I love how ZTs tend to journal a life!

  2. I like it! I love how ZT takes you out of hectic mind and far away from stress of the day and lets you relax.

  3. Very well said and done - tangle has a dreamy quality to it - nicely done.

  4. what a dreamy zt ! love the steamed glass effect and the stripe that allows peaking outside a while until it blurred again...


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